Sunday, December 13, 2009

Raise Your Hands

Sometimes I'm envious of the Pentecostals.

I don't know if it my reserved nature or my Catholic upbringing but I find it hard to express myself to the Lord like the Pentecostals do.  Dancing, singing, shouting for joy.  It's just not me.

The churches I've been part of in my 41 years have not been prone to joyful outbursts, spontaneous anything, hand raising, nor dancing.  This I somewhat regret.

I often wish that my feelings for the Lord and love for Him were so strong that I just had to dance like David did.  That joy would make me lift my hands and jump and shout.  But I don't.  Not because I see anything wrong with it or think that it is silly or unbiblical.  I just don't.  Maybe I'd be embarrassed, maybe I just don't feel it, or maybe I've been culturally conditioned to shy away from that type of behavior.  How could I look like a fool if everyone else is doing it?

Even at concerts and sports events I tend to be reserved.  I'll applaud and yell a bit, but I don't jump up and down.  This makes me lean towards a naturally reserved nature as the reason I don't do that for the Lord either.

This, however, does not lessen my envy for those that can, with all their heart, jump and shout for the joy of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up Pentecostal. I can definitely say that the songs of that era of my life stuck with me for good. I always resort to singing those songs... because I remember how much joy was expressed then, and so freely.

    Now I'm a hardened adult, envious of the child I once was. I'm regaining a connection with the same Spirit. Watch out! I might just lift my hands or something! :)
